New Terlingua Ranch Lodge Website Showcases Rustic Allure with Responsive Design by WLWeb.US
Redesigned with expanded and enhanced content, combines speed and security with mobile-friendly presentation for maximal performance, reliable integrity and optimal user experience.
TERLINGUA, TEXAS. Terlingua Ranch Lodge, a scenic Chihuahuan Desert retreat nestled between the mountains of Big Bend National Park and Big Bend Ranch State Park, has just gone live with an all new website. Its totally redesigned web pages leverage state-of-the-art web technologies to deliver a compelling web marketing presentation to vacationing travelers, holiday tourists and other prospective guests of this rustically alluring resort getaway.
Designed and developed by WLWeb.US for the Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (LAMP) web platform using the WordPress content management system, employs a custom-modified template and theme that is cross-browser compatible, fully responsive and mobile-friendly. It features a captivating blend of animated content with full-width home page sliders, parallax image scrolling, random testimonial displays and pop-on-click photo galleries. Reservations and information on Terlingua Ranch Lodge accommodations, amenities, activities and attractions can be quickly browsed and easily accessed via drop-down menus linked to category summary and item detail pages. is an example of what expert-rated web developer Tim Shirley of WLWeb.US calls “speedy secure responsive web design” or “SSRWD“. According to the website, “SSRWD melds HTTP/2 page speed optimization and HSTS strict transport security with cross-platform browser compatibility to optimize presentation for the screen size and attributes of the requesting device – regardless of whether it’s a desktop PC or Mac, iPad or iPhone, Android smartphone or Windows touch screen tablet. This results in a faster, smoother and more secure user experience that search engines reward with better placement.”
Terlingua Ranch Lodge is owned by the Property Owners Association of Terlingua Ranch, Inc. (POATRI), a not-for-profit corporation. POATRI represents some 5,000 property owners who collectively own Terlingua Ranch, nearly 200,000 acres of rugged natural beauty in the Rio Grande Big Bend region of West Texas. The Lodge is located in south Brewster County, covers 425 acres and consists of the main office with front desk and gift shop, the Bad Rabbit Cafe, guest cabins, RV sites, private campsites and open campgrounds, an airstrip, a horse corral, a swimming pool, bathhouse, laundromat, cold storage and many other amenities.